Moz Flowers New location

A New Chapter


Moz Flowers Shop Interioir


For the past 9 years, Moz Flowers has kept on growing and becoming Dubai's favorite florist. 

 We thank you for supporting us through all your happy moments.


Moz Flowers Ibento Wedding

 Every special moment that you have chosen us to be a part of wether it was your best friends birthday, your weddings, your fist baby receptions and endless anniversaries have helped us grow and serve you better.


We are forever grateful for being able to share these special moments, each and every one, crafting your flowers by hands, delivering them just on time to complete you joyful occasions.


A special Thank you to my brides, I have seen you flourish from a timid bride to wonderful mothers.


We have just moved to a new location, to be closer to you than ever!!

We have carefully selected this special location not only to be able to deliver your flowers swiftly, but also to be able to have you around us all the time.
Our new neighborhood location is in Wadi Al Amardi Mall, just off Khawaneej road.
Location: Moz Flowers New location
We would love to see you and hear your thoughts !!
Lots of blooms,
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